For this one, Younes tried (and SUCCEEDED) at making one of our world tour meals. I had teased him that I was going to be critical of whatever he made, but dang-it if he didn't steal the freaking show!
According to the recipe page that we used, the fish dish is called Gulai Daun Singkong Tumbuk, which is essentially grilled fish with greens. It is supposed to be served with rice, so instead of plain white rice again, I helped Younes decide on making the Beriani that was listed on the same recipe page as the grilled fish. It makes sense that Brunei would have an amazing fish dish, since it is located right on a island by the sea. The beriani is most likely a local take on an Indian dish. A lot of the recipes I was looking at were similar to foods from Malaysia, Indonesia, and even India.
Collecting the ingredients was the real fun part of this meal. We drove all over trying to find a seafood market that would have whole red snapper, and discovered several new places in Fayetteville in the process. We tried the Sun Asian Market first, but they were about to close and had already packed away their fish for the day. A lot of the other stores we tried had also closed by the time we got there. Finally, we found a decent selection of frozen whole fishes at Compare Foods. Side note: 'fish' is normally used as the plural of the word 'fish', so when you use 'fishes' it refers to the plural of more than one species of fish. 🐡 🐠 🐟 👍
Now, once we had all the ingredients it was time for me to sit back, RELAX, and let Younes do all the work for once. 😉
EXCELLENT JOB! Time for presentation of the final product. Drum-roll, please...
Let's EAT!
We both really enjoyed this meal. The beriani was absolutely perfect in my opinion, and the gulai daun was close to perfect. (My only complaint is avoiding fish bones.) The yellow sauce was simply amazing, and I poured it all over the rice. Both dishes had a delightful hint of coconut and blended spices that was absolutely delicious.
Younes only gave the meal a 9/10. So it seems he's even hard on himself, but honestly it was 10/10 in my book. I would have payed big money for a meal like this in a fancy restaurant, that's for sure!